
E-Filing Q & A

Q: Why e-file?

A: E-file is the more efficient means of filing your return.

Q: Will I still get a taxpayer copy?

A: Yes.

Q: I mail my information to your office, will I be e-filing my return as well?

A: Yes.  We will email you the e-file authorization form (this substitutes for the traditional signing of your paper return) which you must sign and send back to our office for us to e-file your return.
If you do not have an email address, we can mail or fax the form to you for your signature.

Q: What if I owe?

A: You may pay your balance with your return, or you may elect to pay up until 4/15.

Q: What if I am going on extension?

A: If you owe money and you go on extension, you must send in the amount of money that you owe.  An extension extends the time you have to file your return, not the time to pay your tax due.

Q: What are my payment options for paying my balance due to the IRS or New York State?

A: You can use direct withdrawal from your bank account, credit card (through a website supported by the IRS), or with a voucher for you to send in with a check or money order. 
Please refer to our “Pay My Taxes” tab for further information.

Q: I don’t have the money to pay my tax right now, what are my options?

A: You can go on a payment plan with the IRS or New York State to pay your taxes due.

Q: Can I take my IRS refund and pay my New York State balance due? (or vice versa)

A: Unfortunately you cannot. They are separate entities.

Have Questions? We can help.

If you need to make an appointment, please call our office at 631-473-2022.
Appointments cannot be made through the Contact Us form.