Corporate Appointment Checklist

Important note: Receipts are not required to prepare your tax return.  When you come in for your appointment (or mail in your tax information), please be prepared to give totals for the expenses you have receipts for as this is the only information we will need to prepare your tax return.  Please keep all receipts for your records.

  1. Completed Business Client Information Sheet (Click Here to Complete)*REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF TAX RETURN*.
  2. Complete Profit & Loss Statement (Click Here to Complete). DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM IF YOU USE QUICKBOOKS or IF WE DO YOUR BOOKKEEPING FOR YOU.
  3. QuickBooks users: email your QuickBooks file or bring back-up file with you to your appointment with us.
  4. If Rossman Tax Service supplies Bookkeeping Services to your business, we will prepare the P&L for you.
  5. Brown Book users bring book and make sure you have year-end totals calculated.
  6. Spreadsheet users on Excel or hand-written sheets, please total all income and expense columns.
  7. New clients bring previous years Federal and State tax returns.

Important Note:

*1.  Bring in your completed Business Client Information Sheet at the time of your appointment (or you can fill it out online on our website before your appointment); if you will be mailing your information to us, make sure it is enclosed with all your tax information and not mailed separately. Please be sure to complete all of the pages (if applicable) and sign the bottom of the form.

*2.  Clients who own their business as Sole Proprietors, will be required to complete the PROFIT OR LOSS FROM BUSINESS FORM, HOWEVER, DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM IF YOU USE QUICKBOOKS or IF WE DO YOUR BOOKKEEPING FOR YOU. QuickBooks users: email your QuickBooks file or bring back-up file with you to your appointment with us.

*3.  MAILING TAX RETURNS: Please note that all tax information should be mailed to:



* December 1 we will start scheduling appointments for tax season. Please call early as our appointments book quickly. An appointment must be made for each individual or couple that is having a tax return prepared. Tax returns brought in without appointments will have to be mailed upon completion; there are no exceptions to this policy.

* January 9 is the last date for clients for whom we prepare W2 or 1099 forms to submit their preparation information. According to IRS regulations, these forms must be mailed to your workers by January 31st. No forms will be mailed after this date. There will be no reminder calls.

* The due date for business tax returns is March 15, 2023. If you are not ready to have your tax information prepared or if you cannot have your taxes mailed to us by February 6th, 2023, you must send us the completed extension request form. We must receive the business extension request form by February 6th, 2023.

* If you are a Sub Chapter S Corporation or a Partnership this will also affect each shareholder or partner’s personal returns. You will need to complete a separate Personal Extension Request Form. You are responsible to see that both extension request forms are completed.

* Please complete the business extension request form and send it back to us along with your Personal Extension Request Form which also requires an additional $50.00 deposit. The deposit of $75 you made toward the corporation return will be credited toward your tax preparation fee if you submit this form by February 6th, 2023, and all the necessary information to file your business tax return no later than August 1st, 2023. If you submit this form after February 6th, 2023, or if you submit your completed tax information to us after August 1st, the extension request deposit will be used to offset a late processing fee. Furthermore, you must file your corporate income tax return with us before September 15, 2023. Otherwise, the deposit(s) will be considered an “Extension Preparation Fee”.

* March 7th is the deadline for business extension requests this year. There is a required payment of $75 with every business extension request. We will not file extensions without the request form and the related fee. Please note extensions do not extend your time to pay. Taxes paid late are still subject to interest and late payment penalties.

Have Questions? We can help.

If you need to make an appointment, please call our office at 631-473-2022.
Appointments cannot be made through the Contact Us form.